My first year at HPU 1. GPA's in High School and College are completely different I remember coming into college and thinking that if I had a 4.2-3.8 through all of High School why would college be different. Now that I've been at HPU for two semesters, I can say that even maintaining a 2.0 which is what you need to be academically eligible is hard. When I was told that to keep my scholarship, I needed to have a 2.75 cumulative gap, inside my head, the thought that was running through was "who wouldn't be able to have a 2.75 that's a piece of cake." Halfway through first semester is when it hit me that It was harder than I thought. After completing my first semester and being placed on academic probation, I just thought about my scholarship and how I needed to do my best the following semester to keep it. It definitely humbled me and made me realize that GPA's aren't the same....