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Why Corona Why??

My experience with online classes has been a very bumpy road. From procrastination, to sleeping ALL day, to finally getting my work done. It was a very long half-semester to say the least.

COVID-19 is a pandemic that has killed over a million people around the world. It has made many countries shut down completely and begin a quarantine. The quarantine prevents people from leaving their house, well for other countries and states not NC though. North Carolina, Guilford County to be exact has made a quarantine in which you can go to the grocery store or a fast food place (COOK AT HOME PEOPLE) or a doctor's office. 

First Off

Being away from campus has been one of the hardest things I've had to do in my life. I know it sounds crazy considering the fact that I'm at home and not in a dorm, but after living on campus for a semester and a half you get used to freedom and no parents all the time, let’s not forget about the food that is already made for you 3 times a day, well 14 because I was on a meal plan. 
I've had to learn how to readjustment to living at home and being with my parents ALL the time because of Quarantine. This has been no walk in the park and to be honest I am ready to go back to my dorm and enjoy my college life.


Although many assignments are already due on blackboard, or blogger for this class. It has become a struggle to turn everything in and staying on task at home. When I'm at school there its actually someone there telling me, I need to do my work and closely looking at me during class, so I won't be distracted, but at home I'm in my room on Tiktok or talking to friends, and its very easy to not do homework. I also don't have any classes where I have to meet for Zoom class, so I basically can sleep all day and night and over procrastinate on everything.

Even though I tend to procrastinate most of my classes have gotten everything turned in on time expect two of my classes, one of which is Never Stay Silent.

In Conclusion

I love my family and bedroom but I miss my friends and my regular schedule because I am better at time management. This half semester has helped me cherish the outdoors, my school and my friends a lot more. Although I was not able to finish off my freshmen year normally I am glad that everyone that I know and myself are healthy and ready to come back outside. Quarantine is about to come to an end because for NC most places will reopen on May 8th.


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